نقاش:برمجة:جافا:أساسيات 1

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من كتب

I was hoping through this "lesson" to learn more about the technical terms in arabic, but what I found was rather an arabic text with all the technical words in english. and what I find particulary curious is that in which way is it benific to the reader ? I guess that if a reader knows about all the technical terms in english then he will find it easier to read the whole thing in english. I think we better focus more on the arabization of the terms making the arabic language another standard in the computer science and the IT world.

virtually yours

Rouis.k 00:47, 19 يناير 2007 (UTC)

لماذا لاتكتب بالعربية؟ على كل حال يمكنك الانضمام لفريق عرب آيز فهو يحاول القيام بذلك. انظر الويكي الخاص بهم هنا ، يمكنك وضع الكلمات وبدأ النقاش للتوصل إلى أفضل حل. --Alnokta 03:17, 23 يناير 2007 (UTC)